Julius Von Bismarck

Born in 1983 in Germany, he lives and works in Berlin (Germany).

I like the flowers (Bismarckia nobilis II), 2017
Pressed and dried plant, mounted on stainless steel plates, 161 x 175 cm
Courtesy of the artist & alexander levy, Berlin

I like the flowers (Pandanus utilis), small, 2023
Pressed and dried plant, mounted on stainless steel plates, 258 x 268 X 5 cm
Courtesy of the artist & Sies + Höke, Düsseldorf

Julius von Bismarck, I like the flowers (Bismarckia nobilis II), 2017 ; I like the flowers (Pandanus utilis), small, 2023. Courtesy alexander levy, Berlin; Sies + Höke, Düsseldorf. Exhibition view of Arcadia, Bally Foundation, 2024-2025 ©Andrea Rossetti